Thursday, July 13, 2017

- After the recent events by Lebanese army..#Hezbollah demands expulsion of the Syrian refugees in Lebanon

- Agencies (IRW) - #Hezbollah's Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah, called on Tuesday for expulsion of the #Syrian_refugees from #Lebanon and send them back to their country.

Nasrallah called on the Lebanese government to contact Syrian regime and negotiate with him on the return of refugees to Syria, he said during an interview on pro-Hizbullah Al-#Manar TV.

While Nasrallah’s militants participated in the battle Al-Qusayr, in #Homs province, and is dispatched all its power and troops in #Syria, by the #Assad regime's side, backed by Iran, in an attempt to achieve Iran's hopes of forming the Shiite crescent.

Most recently, the Lebanese army has announced the death of four Syrian detainees, among the 350 #Syrian_refugees arrested by the army in #Arsal camps, less than 48 hours after being arrested, citing the cause of their death due to health problems.

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